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Total Sales of all my Books: 211 Goal: 100000|Thank you for buying my books. If you haven't bought one, go ahead and buy a book to make my day!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Disappearing Soon?

Looks like I'm going to disappear next week. More secretive stuff that I won't divulge.
Anyway, I'll be gone so, in the meantime I hope you all will be enjoying life and what it offers.
Life is too short to grumble and complain.

I have a preview of my next book on the post below this one. However, I don't think I will be making S3 free.
It is my...actually, no, I won't say it. I can't say it.

Check out the preview if you liked my other books. I'll be taking it down in a couple of, it's a time limited offer :P

If you like it, I hope you'll get a copy when it comes out.
If you hate it, then...oh well!