Current Sales Report

Total Sales of all my Books: 211 Goal: 100000|Thank you for buying my books. If you haven't bought one, go ahead and buy a book to make my day!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just another post...

I've been really depressed lately. Especially since I didn't pass the first round of the ABNA contest again. Yes...I got denied...again. :(

I'm convinced that the first round is really the most difficult round because it's all scored on the pitch...which is a very difficult thing to handle. that the end of S3: A Smack in Time? I don't know. I'm going to pitch it to agents again and see if there's anyone who's interested in it. Until I can find an agent, I'm going to continue working on the sequel of the Judge.

S3 won't be free, but the Guardian will be. I've decided that I want everyone to have a chance to read the Coranite Chronicles.

I think I said this before, but I'll say (write) it again. I will finish the Guardian and make it freely available, but I probably won't finish the trilogy. This may be sad news to whoever cares about CC, but unless I can get published, it's really not feasible to continue working on this series. It's kinda sad that only two books will be released, but...who knows, maybe sometime in the future we'll be able to continue this journey. But until then...

Anyway, thanks for all your support guys. As you can see from the counter above, we've sold 46 books! WOOHOO! Thank you so much for buying my books! For every sale, my heart skips a beat.