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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's next?

Just a quick update on the situation.

I'm still in the middle of submitting S3: A Smack in Time to agents. Not going well so far, but hopefully that will change. The concept may not be that great, but I think that the book itself should be enjoyable.

So...anyway, what's next?

In the mean time, I'm going to start a new book. This one will be short and easy to read. Maybe about a hundred or so pages. Still working on the concept now. But I just can't seem to get any idea that I fully accept.

And on the other front...
Awake is going to be up on createspace soon...and maybe Amazon. I uploaded the PDF to megaupload and put the link on the downloads page. But it looks like it might take a while before it's out there.